Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Discussing Mullaperiyar

22nd December 2009 01:43 AM

‘Mullaperiyar appears to be just a water dispute between Kerala and Tamil Nadu. In fact, if the dam is to meet with any calamity, there shall be no winners.’
 This was the thought that motivated a group of bloggers across the State to roll out a movement to save the dam, a month ago. But in a span of just two weeks, www.rebuilddam.blogspot.com has been widely catching up on the blogosphere.
 The ‘Rebuild Dam, Save Kerala’ logo has started appearing in many blogs and already the followers of the blog have crossed a hundred. One of its key members, Manoj Ravindran, tells us through an e-mail, ``Majority of the Malayalis, including the educated masses, are not aware of the real issues regarding the Mullaperiyar dam. It is important to educate people of both the states in an unbiased and healthy manner by sharing available information through a series of discussions, debates and articles. It is with this intent that the Malayalam bloggers have come together to launch an exclusive blog site. The blogging world offers a very potent and powerful media which can aid this kind of a mass awareness.’’
 The people behind the blog, however, do not want their movement to contribute to the existing imbroglio over the issue. Instead, they intend to provide readers with a common platform to read the latest developments in the issue, express their views, opinions and comments on the topic. A list of all Malayalam and English blog posts related to the Mullaperiyar issue is currently being updated to the site.
 If readers like to publish links of their posts related to Mullaperiyar, they can send their posts to the site. The newspaper reports that have appeared in many dailies on the Mullaperiyar dam issue and those articles and reports written by people with expertise on the issue have been added to the link.
 The members have also started carrying details about the movement in their Facebook and Orkut profiles, which they think have a wider reach and evoke a quick response. ``As our next step, we plan to make our voice heard beyond the blogging community into the conscience of mainstream media, social, literary and environment activists, bureaucrats, administrators, and most of all, the judiciary who could probably help settle the matter once and for all,’’ Manoj says in his e-mail.

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